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Reminder: Walk & Roll to School Day Wednesday!

Walk & Roll to School Day!

The Kennedy School is celebrating our many families and students who Walk, Bike, Scoot, or Roll to School as part of the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Initiative on Weds., Oct. 4, 2023 from 7:50AM-8:10AM! Everyone can participate in any of these ways:

1) Decorate:

Students and family members who bike, scoot, or roll to school via wheelchair or other assistive devices are encouraged to decorate your bikes, scooters, and wheeled devices to celebrate Walk & Roll to School Day.

2) Spirit Wear:

Everyone is encouraged to wear Kennedy Tigers shirts or other spirit wear, no matter how you get to school.

3) Volunteer to Cheer: The PTA is seeking family members and student volunteers to cheer for our arriving students on the morning of Weds., Oct. 4th at 7:50AM. Volunteer teams will also be handing out small prizes to our incoming students.

Volunteer teams should meet at the Tot Lot or the front Basketball courts, whichever area your students enter from at 7:45am, and the PTA will hand out pompoms and prizes to be handed out to students as they enter.

Together we will cheer for our walkers, bikers, scoot-ers, and our students who arrive via special transport vans!

Volunteers are encouraged to wear your Kennedy Tiger shirts or orange and black clothes and volunteers feel free to accessorize - wigs, silly hats, funny socks, etc, are encouraged and add to the fun. Please keep it school-appropriate!

You can RSVP as a volunteer by messaging Becky Lopes-Filho on Facebook Messenger, emailing the PTA at or telling Ms. Courtney Rizzo, 5th grade teacher. Or just show up at 7:45-7:50 on 10/4 and look for us!

Check out to learn more about this nationwide effort!

This event has been organized by our Safe Routes to School coordinator, Ms. Courtney Rizzo with assistance from the Kennedy PTA.

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