Food Drive to benefit East Somerville's Project SOUP, a vital food pantry serving 900 Somerville families per month. Please donate unopened and unexpired food pantry and personal hygiene items in the labeled bin at:
- Harvest Fest (Kennedy Cafeteria) 11/9 from 5-6:30PM - Parent-Teacher Conferences (Kennedy Lobby) 11/16 from 3-6PM
- During School Hours - (Kennedy Lobby) 11/9 - 11/16 from 7:30AM-3PM Top requested items: Baby wipes - Diapers - Toothbrushes - Toothpaste - Shampoo - Body Wash or Soap - Feminine Products - Razors See the full list of needed items here: --
Harvest Fest - Thurs, Nov. 9th
1:30 - 2:15PM - Families of SEEK, SKIP, and LifeSkills students are invited to join their students in the Cafeteria to enjoy the celebration. Enter from Front Entrance of school.
5:00 - 6:30PM - ALL Kennedy Students and Families are invited to this FREE celebration of Gratitude and Community - Cafeteria and Gym - ENTRY through Sartwell Ave Doors ONLY.
Seasonal Snacks, Face-painting, Crafts, Games, Family Dance & Fun!
The PTA thanks our generous sponsors and volunteers! We could still use a few more volunteers - SIGN UP HERE:
[Star Market (Porter), Back Door Donuts (Fenway), Mass- Donuts (Somerville), Davis Square Donuts, Target (Porter), Trader Joe's (Fresh Pond), Pemberton Farms]
Parent-Teacher Conferences PTA Open House - Thurs, 11/16 3PM-6PM
Join the PTA Board and other parents in the Book Room, room 105, for conversation and light refreshments throughout Parent-Teacher night.
-- Coming Soon: - PTA-Scholastic Book Fair Dec 4-8 (Tell us if you'd like to volunteer here: - PTA End of Year Giving Campaign - Help us reach our goal of fundraising $5,500 by sharing the link with family and friends: - Kennedy PTA Giveback Night at Magpie Kids Dec. 13, 2:30pm-8:00pm - Magpie Kids will donate 10% of all sales to PTA. There will be a sip & shop event that evening 6:00-8:00pm! - Staff Appreciation Breakfast Dec. 15 Sign up to help us coordinate here: Donation signup to come next month!