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Call for STEM volunteers!



Major opportunity for Kennedy caregivers, staff, or community members to be involved in a city-wide STEM event!

If we can get 2-3 Kennedy caregivers to volunteer your time organizing this, the Kennedy PTA can be a co-sponsor of the event!

Please check out the information below and email the PTA board at if you're willing to be a part of the committee.

The Somerville Council of PTA's has received a National PTA grant, sponsored by Bayer, to run a STEM + Families Science Festival and we're looking for parent volunteers to make this event come to life! The event will need to be held before May 17th, but no definitive plans have been made yet. That's up to the committee!

If you're interested in helping, please join our first planning meeting:

Tuesday, January 30th

7:30-8:30 pm

On Zoom (Meeting ID: 945 8911 3027; Password: pta)

If you can't make it to the meeting, but would like to be involved, please write to the Somerville Council of PTA board at Please also reach out to that address with any questions or suggestions!

Please feel free to spread the word to any Somerville Public Schools parent or educator who you think may be interested.


Karen Gardner, PTA Council co-Secretary

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